Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Bronze (lost wax technique)
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and caramel / metallic colour patina
Ventilació. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Ventilació. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Guerrers de vidre. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and polychrome patina.
Photo frame. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Photo frame. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Badalots. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Candle holding. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Magnets. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Meninas, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Meninas, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Menina oval, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Magnets, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection.
Bronze (lost wax technique)
Guerrers. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and caramel / metallic colour patina
Ventilació. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Ventilació. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Guerrers de vidre. Gaudí Collection
Polyester resin and polychrome patina.
Photo frame. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Photo frame. Gaudí Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Meninas, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina
Meninas, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and bronze patina
Magnets, Velázquez Collection.
Polyester resin and terracota colour patina